Preparing Your Pool For Warmer Weather

When the temperatures finally start to rise, most people get excited because they know that summer is just around the corner. Because of this, homeowners with swimming pools need to begin preparing their pools for use. To ensure that you are able to make the most of your pool for the entire season, here are a few tips that will help you prepare your swimming pool.

Check the Source Water

Determine what the makeup of the water source is before you fill up the pool with water. By familiarizing yourself with possible inconsistencies early on, you can prevent the need of having to add as many chemicals down the road to restore balances. Test the source water for various factors like salt levels, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and pH levels.

Clean the Water

Make sure to very thoroughly clean the pool's surface and its drains, pipes, and gutters. Pour an enzyme cleaner in the water so that organisms that got into the pool throughout the winter are eradicated. Follow up with a phosphate remover to remove phosphates from the water as these can contribute to the buildup of algae and inefficiencies with chlorine.

Remove Water from Winter Cover

Do not underestimate how heavy that a cover can get when it is full of water. Before you remove the winter cover, you will want to attempt to remove as much of the water as you can as this will make things much easier for you.

Clean the Winter Cover

You can avoid your cover being covered in mold or mildew and suffering from deterioration by thoroughly cleaning it prior to storing it. You should wipe the cover surface down with a cleaner after sweeping away any dust, dirt, and debris. Use a garden hose to spray the cover down to wash away the cleaner and any left-behind debris. Before you store the cover, make sure it has completely dried. Also, store it in an area that cannot be reached by moisture or insects.

Inspect Pool Barriers

If you have children or pets, it is important that you have a safety barrier installed that will help prevent them from falling into the pool. Each year when you open the swimming pool, you should take the time to inspect these barriers for any vulnerabilities or damage that could impact the safety of your pets or children.

For more information on preparing your swimming pool for the season, get in touch with a pool care service in your area.
